Monday, September 3, 2012

Broadcast 1st Day of School 2012

We will use the computers on a daily basis to create blogs and work on stories.
 *Work on class assignments only
 *Face toward Projector Screen
 *Respect equipment and files on computer (Best computers in school)
 *Starting Thursday, Sit in same spot everyday.
 *Push in Chairs at end of class.  Pick up garbage

Let's begin with our Calendar Guidebook presentation.  You should follow along:

Calendar/GuidebookLearning Target: I can understand the responsibilities and opportunities at EVHS."EVERYBODY HAS A STORY"


LEARNING TARGET: I can find something interesting or unique about my partner. Remember "Everybody Has A Story".

ACTIVITY: Students will be paired with another partner and they will have a conversation for 10 minutes.

HOMEWORK: write a 5-10 sentence story about the other person.

Some prompt questions to get the interesting stuff besides name, school, favorite subject, family, etc. might be

• Tell me something no one knows about you or something that would surprise people.
• What was the best day of your life and why?
• What was the worst day and why?
• What are you really good at?
• Is there something you can do that no one else can do? A hidden talent?

The activity is reflective of real world reporting. We need to search out those "golden nuggets" in our stories.

HOMEWORK:  Write a 5-10 sentence story about your partner.

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